Business & Life Coaching

For Nelia the Coaching relationship is one of mutual trust and a collaborative role - equal partnership between client and coach - where the coach joins his/her specialised knowledge with that of the client.
- Clients often do not acknowledge that what worked in the past do not work in the future, but are scared to do something different, or even do not know what to do next, or how to do it. They may be in a place known as the "liminal" space. The liminal space is characterised by a willingness to let go of the familiar and to be open for what is emerging. It is the "between" of transformation. The space of transition. Excitement and fear co-exist. Our struggle to accept and implement new ideas is because we hold on to our old worldview lens and resist opening ourselves to something new. Nelia support and facilitate the transformation process in helping her client to recognise that part of the challenge might not be in gaining new knowledge but rather letting go of old worldviews and opening themselves up to something new and different.
- With Presence based Integral coaching and using the Enneagram typology tool, Nelia facilitates this change as a basis to empower her clients, in a caring, supportive and inspiring environment.
- Coaches know that their clients are the only true experts when it comes to their own lives. Nelia support her clients to design and execute their own solutions to their problems and challenges - teach them the ability to self-generate, self-observe and self-master their life's and future.
- Nelia guides and inspire her clients to bring about a clearer understanding of their potential, aspirations, goals and life purpose. The outcome drives the necessary positive change in their current and future behavior to ensure the realization of those goals and aspirations.
Areas of Experience & Expertise:
Personal Coaching
Personal Transformation and Development Coach.
Business Coaching
Business, Executive & Team Coaching
Relationship Coaching
Professional Relationships, Couples & Family
Leadership and Development Workshop Facilitation
Integral Conflict Coaching
Business & Personal
Course Development
Course Development and Delivery
Sessions can be done on individual level, per skype or telephonically

Coaching Approach
Nelia specialize in the Deep Coaching approach, a mature, presence-based approach to healthy adult psychological and spiritual development that employs the wise use of the Enneagram. Deep Coaching explores old limiting patterns to support the client to live from a place of expanded and empowered potential. The Deep Coaching method focus attention on the challenges, the opportunities, the capacities, and the responsibility as a coach to elicit the strengths that come from the depths of the client. Nelia uses the Enneagram as a catalyst to empower and support the transformation of her clients. The Enneagram support each individual's evolutionary capacity for the deep intelligence of presence. The use of proven methodologies in a one-on-one coaching relationship ensures that each coaching candidate receives a unique and personalised coaching experience. The process works towards building excellence, moving through transitions and supporting enhanced adult achievement. By becoming free to realize their optimum potential, individuals create transformational and sustainable shifts in their personal, interpersonal and work lives. Nelia integrate various coaching approaches e.g. the Narrative approach, The Gestalt Approach, Positive Psychology Coaching and Neuroscience in her coaching practice.
The Business, Executive and team coaching is a future-focused, positive and energetic engagement aimed at supporting a leader, manager or the team to achieve their vision, in alignment with their values and business objectives . Good coaches support effective leadership. I train and facilitate people to become good coaches, highly skilled at supporting enduring, effective, extraordinary and ethical leadership. I also aim to build the knowledge and understanding in organisations of how coaching can support organisations in creating sustainable change and leadership for positive results.
Why the Enneagram?
The Enneagram provides the key that unlocks the door to our hidden selves, and offers a mirror that reflects the nature of our inner personality structure, allowing us to see ourselves clearly, for some of us, perhaps for the first time.
The Enneagram of personality is an integrated system of knowledge about the territory of human behaviour and motivation. The numerous Enneagram scholars, researchers, and authors' work describe the Enneagram as a vast terrain of human behaviour, ranging from that which is healthy and effective, to behaviour that violates one's self and/or others. A significant benefit of using the Enneagram is that, through shining the light of awareness on type-specific behaviour patterns, the user gains clarity on what his or her habitual patterns are, and can become more attuned to how those patterns impact the quality of his or her own life, as well as the impact that one has on others. Using various coaching methodologies Nelia support you to recognise the underlying beliefs that drive these habitual behavior patterns and how to disidentify with them.
Because the Enneagram is cross-cultural and uncannily accurate, it's modern usage is growing dramatically across the globe. In addition to being used by individuals who embrace it for their own insight and development, organisations are using the Enneagram to increase emotional intelligence (EQ), enhance communication, manage conflict constructively, build high-performing teams and develop leadership. Nelia therefore use the Enneagram in business as a tool for business training, fascilitation of workshops, leadership and team development, as well as executive coaching.
Nelia brings a wealth of life and work experience to each client coaching relationship. Coaching clients benefit from Nelia’s broad experience in the corporate world in banking, finance, accounting, treasury, management, operations and change and transition. Nelia had 16 years’ experience in a management role at head office level of a leading South African banking institution, followed by 2+ years in a management role in a Government Parastatal Organisation (Transnet). Nelia also gained experience in the retail business environment being an entrepreneur and owner of a small medium retail business. Her previous roles in multiple leadership capacities provide context and reality-based foundation for her coaching relationships. Trained as both a professional business and life coach, Nelia appreciates the mystery and possibilities of change and transformation.
Bachelor of Commerce degree majoring in Accounting, Organisational and Industrial Psychology & Business Management (Unisa)
Certified Deep Coaching Professional (CDCP) through the Deep Coaching Institute in the USA. The institute is accredited as an Enneagram School with the International Enneagram Association and approved as an ACSTH provider by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Gibs Professional Business Coach Certificate (ICF Accredited)
Member of the Riso & Hudson Enneagram Institute in the USA. A methodology designed for psychological growth to enable personality transformation. (Completed Training Part 1, Inner Critic, Relationships and the Enneagram & The Relational Field)
Train-The-Trainer Program: What type of Leader are you? – Enneagram in Business USA - Ginger Lapid-Bogda
Certificate in Advanced Coaching Tools - Enneagram in Business USA - Ginger Lapid-Bogda
Diversity in Business - Enneagram in Business USA - Ginger Lapid-Bogda
TEFL Certificate (120 Hours and Business English)
Certified Deep Coaching Professional (CDCP) through the Deep Coaching Institute in the USA. The institute is accredited as an Enneagram School with the International Enneagram Association and approved as an ACSTH provider by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Gibs Professional Business Coach Certificate (ICF Accredited)
Member of the Riso & Hudson Enneagram Institute in the USA. A methodology designed for psychological growth to enable personality transformation. (Completed Training Part 1, Inner Critic, Relationships and the Enneagram & The Relational Field)
Train-The-Trainer Program: What type of Leader are you? – Enneagram in Business USA - Ginger Lapid-Bogda
Certificate in Advanced Coaching Tools - Enneagram in Business USA - Ginger Lapid-Bogda
Diversity in Business - Enneagram in Business USA - Ginger Lapid-Bogda
TEFL Certificate (120 Hours and Business English)